Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Hawk's Beard PotentialCrepis spp.

Crepis spp.

This is Hawk’s Beard, a species of Crepis.

In Chinese folklore and medicine a plant of the same Tribe (Cichorieae) as the Crepis called theYoungia japonica was used to cure illnesses such as diarrhoea and colds. Recently, the antiviral compounds of Y. japonica have been proven (Ooi et al. 2006).

I feel with every advancement in technology we take a step further away from the nature around us, isolating ourselves from what we depend on. Hopefully discoveries like this will lead to the realisation of the importance and potential uses of what is around us.

Crepis, now that I know what it looks like, litters the ground of the UEA campus. It too could possibly hold antiviral compounds that can be utilised through as simple methods as home brews of tea. Next time you are feeling under the weather, do a simple internet search about what is in your garden. It could save you a hefty prescription fee!

Also, notice how diverse the species are in this picture; hawk’s beard, fungus, moss even a beetle of sorts!

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