Friday, 13 February 2015

Curly Woodlouse

Woodlouse - Cylisticus convexus
Woodlice are very common across the UK with about 35 identified species. They inhabit both coastal and terrestrial habitats and are considered the most species-rich group of crustaceans on land.

This small specimen was just over 10mm in length and scurried across the ground at quite a fast pace. An easy method of identifying woodlice is to see if they roll up into a ball when experiencing external factors it does not like. Some woodlice cannot roll into a ball at all and rely on their speed or strength of their exoskeleton for protection. Some, like the Cylisticus convexus pictured above, can roll into a ball but leave a small gap that the antennae protrude from. Other species can roll into a perfect sphere with no gaps.

Unfortunately, I did not harass this woodlouse and so am not 100% sure of its rolling capabilities. However, I am quite sure it is the C. convexus due to the pointed tail ends that are slightly more visible in this second picture below.

Pointed tail ends visible
Commonly known as the Curly woodlouse, it feeds on dead plant and wood materials and is nocturnal though can be seen around twilight hours.

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